Category Archives: Tool & Equipment Rental

All Tool and Rental Service From CES

Blasting | Painting

Air Hose
Air Regulator Supply (4 Way Supply)
Air Spray Pot With Spray line
Airless Spray With Spray line
Air Blower
Blasting Helmet+Jacket)
Blasting Hose
Blasting Machine
Beam Clamp
Blasting Helmet+Jacket
Blasting Hose
Blasting Machine
Blasting Nozzle
Blasting Pot
Chicago Lock
Control Line (Twin line)
CPF Air Breathing Unit
Dead Man Trigger
DFT Gauge (Elcometer 456 Digital Coating)
Hand Lift (Hand pallet)
Helmet+Air Fitter/Purifier
High pressure water jet pneumatic type
Spray Gun+Tip Guard
Suction Gun
Manual Chain Hoist
Helmet+Air Fitter/Purifier
High pressure water jet pneumatic type
Spray Gun+Tip Guard
Suction Gun
Manual Chain Hoist
Mechanical Agitator
Mechanical Impact Tools
Mixing Pot
Oil & Water Separator
WFT Gauge (Wet Film Thickness Gauge)
Quick Coupling
Remote Control